Fan Pass
For residents within the Fan District (Proof required via Driver’s License or State ID)
Member Benefits
50% off cut fee when patronizing lounge only
Limit of up to 2 people per visit
Free admission to lounge after purchase of entrée
Night of purchase only, with a limit of up to 2 people per visit. Additional guests pay full cut fee; (Not to be combined with any other offer.)
this benefit is only available to Fan District Residents
There is a $10 non-member access fee as a tab minimum to all non-member patrons in the lounge area.
Application fees are required for all levels except The Fan Pass
Membership approvals will be determined within 2 weeks of an application submission
Upon approval, no membership fees will be assessed for the current month. Fee processing will occur on the 5th of the following month. A “BRUN Experience Bundle” will be provided to Experience Level members and above, to include BRUN monogrammed: (Cutter, Tulip Glass, Torch, Ashtray, Sample from Le Labo)
Pickup of the BRUN Experience Bundle will be in-person only and distributed from our establishment. BRUN Experience Bundles can be sold separately at a cost of $150 per box